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Physically active children

This data shows the percentage of children aged 5 to 16 who take part in at least 60 minutes physical activity each day across a week.

The UK Chief Medical Officers’ recommends that children aged 5 to 16 take part in at least 60 minutes physical activity per day across a week, and this is the definition of physically active children.


The chart shows that the proportion of children aged 5 to 16 who are physically active had been decreasing in Buckinghamshire since 2018/19 when approximately half the children (51.3%) were physically active and dropped to around four out of ten (39.7%) children in 2020/21.

In 2021/22 however, the physical activity prevalence in Buckinghamshire has increased to 57.6% which is higher than both England (47.2%) and the South East (48.1%). 

Physically active children

Percentage of children aged 5-16 years who undertake at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day across the week

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