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Air quality

Air quality can be assessed by the concentration of various pollutants in the air. The air quality indicator is compiled from four key air pollutants: Nitrogen dioxide, Benzene, Sulphur dioxide, and Particulates.

Air Quality Index Score For Buckinghamshire (2019)

(Average Of All LSOAs)


The levels of each pollutant are recorded at lower-layer super output area (LSOA) (small geographical boundary areas designed to be of similar population size, with an average of approximately 1,500 residents or 650 households).

The Air Quality Index score for Buckinghamshire (average of all LSOAs) is 0.9, which is lower (better) than the National level of 0.95. Within Buckinghamshire, the Air Quality Index score is highest (worst) in the South (South Bucks) at 1.1, and lowest (best) in the North (Aylesbury Vale) at 0.83.

Air Quality

Air quality index score, 2019

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