The Old Age Dependency Ratio (OADR) is the ratio of older dependents (aged 64+) to the working-age population (16-64). The data are shown as the proportion of dependents per 100 working-age population. Broadly speaking the higher the OADR the greater the impact that the ageing population will have on an area. A high ratio of older dependants can affect how the changing needs of those older dependants can be met. There may not be enough people, for example, to fill caring or medical support roles.
The OADR for Buckinghamshire was 31.6 in the year 2020. For every 100 working-age adults (aged 16-64) there were 31.6 people aged 65+. This figure has increased since 2010 when the OADR was 26.0 in Buckinghamshire. In 2001 it was 22.6 in Buckinghamshire, which was lower than South East England and England.
Old Age Dependency Ratio
In Buckinghamshire, SE England, England, 2001-2020
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Projected Old Age Dependency Ratio
Looking ahead, the OADR for Buckinghamshire is predicted to climb steadily. By 2030 it is projected that there will be 38.3 people aged 65+ for every 100 working-age people.
In 2040 the projected OADR will increase again to 44.6, almost double the OADR in 2001, which was 22.6. This means that by 2040 there is a projected 44.6 people aged 65+ for every 100 working age people.
Projected Old Age Dependency Ratio
In Buckinghamshire, 2021-2040
No Data Found