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Violent Crimes & Sexual Offences

This chart shows the number of recorded violent crimes and sexual offences in Buckinghamshire. Violent crime and sexual offences is a broad crime type that includes 'Violence Without Injury' and 'Violence With Injury', as well as all categories of sexual offence.

This chart shows the number of recorded violent crimes and sexual offences in Buckinghamshire between 2019 and 2022.


The benchmarks show the overall violent crime and sexual offences rate for 2021/22. The rate is the number of violent crime and sexual offences reported per 1,000 people, enabling a meaningful comparison of these crimes in Buckinghamshire and other geographical areas.


These rates show that the rate of violent crime and sexual offences in Buckinghamshire remains similar to 2020/21 and continues to be lower than both the South East and England.

Violence & Sexual offences crime rate calculated as 'number of Violent & Sexual offences per 1000 population'.

Violent & Sexual Offences

Monthly violent crime and sexual offences in Buckinghamshire, 2019-23

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