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Largest charities

This table provides information on the 20 largest registered charities operating in Buckinghamshire. It contains their latest reported annual income, a link to their website and the number of staff and volunteers they have.

This table contains information about the 20 largest charities operating in Buckinghamshire according to a search on the CharityBase platform in June 2022. Many types of organisation can be registered as charities, including private schools, care homes, grant-making foundations and hospices, all of which feature below. This analysis uses data from registered charities, though it is widely understood that the voluntary and community sector is much broader than these organisations. However, as no data is held centrally about them, they have not been included in this analysis.


The total annual income of the 20 largest charities in Buckinghamshire is £468,851,734 – nearly half the estimated total annual income of all the 2,313 charities in the county which is £1,001,835,361. 


The total number of staff employed by the 20 largest charities is 7,230. This compares to an estimated 15,177 staff employed by all Buckinghamshire based charities, meaning that the 20 largest charities represent about half of the paid charity workforce in Buckinghamshire. 

The total number of volunteers at the 20 largest charities is 6,239. However, the estimated number of volunteers at all Buckinghamshire based charities is 74,162, meaning that the 20 largest charities account for less than 10% of the volunteers at registered charities in the county.  



There is another dataset on the Bucks Data Exchange which provides more information on the annual income of charities in Buckinghamshire, not just these very large charities which can skew the picture. 



The data below has been accessed via the CharityBase platform which cleans, aggregates and analyses data from the Charity Commission, Companies House, 360 Giving, Charity Websites and the Office for National Statistics. It reports charity income to the nearest £1m. The latest data for different charities often relates to slightly different financial years, so this information has been included in the table below. 

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