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Vehicle Crime

This chart shows the number of recorded vehicle crimes in Buckinghamshire. Vehicle crime includes the theft of a vehicle, theft from a vehicle and damage to a vehicle.

The chart below shows the number of recorded vehicle crimes in Buckinghamshire between 2019 and 2022.  


The benchmarks in the table on the right show the overall rate of recorded vehicle crime for 2021/22. The rate is the number of vehicle crimes reported per 1,000 people, enabling a meaningful comparison of vehicle crime in Buckinghamshire with other geographical areas.


These rates show that the rate of vehicle crime in Buckinghamshire increased in 2021/22 compared to 2020/21 and the rate of vehicle crime is higher in Buckinghamshire compared to the South East.

Vehicle crime rate calculated as 'number of vehicle offences per 1000 population'.

Vehicle crime

Monthly reported vehicle crime in Buckinghamshire, 2019-22

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