The crime rate in Buckinghamshire is relatively low compared to other areas of the country.
During the period of 2023/2024 the number of reported crimes in Buckinghamshire was 59.4 per 1,000 people. This compares to 68.6 reported crimes per 1000 people in the Thames Valley Police area and 90 for England and Wales combined.
During this same period, Buckinghamshire’s recorded crime decreased by 4% on the previous year. This was the same decrease that the Thames Valley area saw with also a 4% decrease. England and Wales also saw a decrease of 3% compared to the previous year.
The Thames Valley Police Force is responsible for policing Buckinghamshire, along with Berkshire and Oxfordshire. It is the largest non-metropolitan force in England and Wales.
Feeling Safe
This chart shows the extent to which residents of Buckinghamshire feel safe in certain situations, as reported via the Residents Community Safety Survey.
Nuisance calls blocked
This chart shows the number of recent nuisance calls blocked in Buckinghamshire using a blocker device. These devices are issued by Trading Standards to vulnerable people to protect them from receiving nuisance calls.
This chart shows the number of recorded shoplifting offences in Buckinghamshire. Shoplifting is the action of stealing goods from a shop while pretending to be a customer.
Scam victims & the impact of scams
This chart shows the number of recorded scam victims in Buckinghamshire where a Trading Standards intervention has taken place.
Domestic Abuse
This data shows the number of recent incidents attended by Thames Valley Police which have been flagged as being related to domestic abuse in Buckinghamshire. The nature of the domestic setting means many incidents are unseen and may go unreported.
Vehicle Crime
This chart shows the number of recorded vehicle crimes in Buckinghamshire. Vehicle crime includes the theft of a vehicle, theft from a vehicle and damage to a vehicle.
Violent Crimes & Sexual Offences
This chart shows the number of recorded violent crimes and sexual offences in Buckinghamshire. Violent crime and sexual offences is a broad crime type that includes ‘Violence Without Injury’ and ‘Violence With Injury’, as well as all categories of sexual offence.
Drug Crime
This chart shows the number of recorded drug crimes in Buckinghamshire. Drug crime is a crime type that includes possession of a controlled drug, possession with intent to supply, supply of a controlled drug and production of a controlled drug.
Anti-Social Behaviour
This chart shows the number of recorded anti-social behaviour incidents in Buckinghamshire. Anti-social behaviour includes a range of nuisance and criminal behaviours which cause distress to other individuals or communities, or impact the wider environment.