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Overweight and obese adults

This data shows the percentage of overweight and obese adults in Buckinghamshire, as well as comparative data from the South East and England.

Healthy behaviours can make a substantial difference to health and wellbeing. Adopting healthy behaviours around smoking, physical activity, alcohol and eating can reduce the chances of being overweight or obese, as well as reduce the chances of developing disability, dementia and disease in older age. 


This chart shows the estimated percentage of adults aged 18 and over in Buckinghamshire, the South East and England who are overweight and obese. Adults are considered to be overweight or obese if their body mass index (BMI) is greater than or equal to 25kg/m2.

The latest data from 2022/23 shows that three out of five adults (62.2%) aged 18 and over are overweight or obese in Buckinghamshire. This is similar to England (64.0%) and similar to the South East (62.8%).



Furthermore, the gap between the most and least deprived areas has widened over the past decade with higher levels of obesity in the more deprived areas.

Overweight and obese adults

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