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Helping small charities in Buckinghamshire do what they do better.

We help small charities in Buckinghamshire understand their communities and demonstrate their impact. Running a small charity can be challenging and isolating.


The Bucks Data Exchange team offers free advice and connects you to relevant information. We equip you with the knowledge and skills to succeed in funding bids, develop needed services, and show your impact to funders.

Local Insight - helping your charity make better informed decisions to improve your services and communities

Local Insight is a user-friendly platform that holds data from over 1,000 neighbourhood level indicators taken from over 50 different sources. Updated regularly with the latest releases, it provides current data which is both clean and reliable.

Explore the data


Access data about Buckinghamshire's population density, growth, ethnicity, and more


Find out about carbon emissions, recycling rates, broadband speeds, and more

Health & Wellbeing

Learn about life expectancy, obesity, rates of smoking, healthy eating, and more

Financial insecurity

Learn about pension credit claimants, the proportion of households in food poverty, and more

Community safety

Find out more about crime rates, anti-social behaviour, burglary, and more

Charities & Funding

Access data on the VCSE sector, the number of grants awarded in Buckinghamshire, and more


Find out more about the Bucks economy including pay, job postings, job density and more

Service provision

Learn about the services that support people in Buckinghamshire


Learn about education, schools and exam results in Buckinghamshire

Talk to us about what your small charity needs

Contact our friendly team for free and trustworthy advice on how to better show the need for your small charity, and clearly demonstrate your impact.


Rainbow of colourful paint marks

Cultural Health

Explore the challenges young people in Buckinghamshire face in gaining employment skills and experience in the latest Bucks Uncovered report. Discover key statistics, insights, and successful projects addressing skills shortages, apprenticeships, work experience, and career guidance.

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Local Insight launches to supercharge your charity

Explore the challenges young people in Buckinghamshire face in gaining employment skills and experience in the latest Bucks Uncovered report. Discover key statistics, insights, and successful projects addressing skills shortages, apprenticeships, work experience, and career guidance.

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Key Stats

Estimated population


Source: ONS, 2022

Male life expectancy


Source: ONS, 2021

Female life expectancy


Source: ONS, 2021

Receive unemployment benefit



Source: DWP, 2022

Households in fuel poverty



Source: DBEIS, 2021

Average house price



Source: Land registry, 2022

Overweight And Obese Adults



Source: Sport England, 2021

Estimated registered charities


Source: CharityBase, 2022