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Smoking status at time of delivery

This data shows the percentage of mothers who are known to be smokers when they give birth. The data shown is a percentage of all maternities where the smoking status is known.

Smoking in pregnancy has well-known detrimental effects for the growth and development of the baby and health of the mother. On average, smokers have more complications during pregnancy and labour, and an increased risk of miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth, low birth weight and sudden unexpected death in infancy.

Encouraging pregnant women to stop smoking during pregnancy provides health benefits for the mother and can reduce children’s exposure to second-hand smoke.


In Buckinghamshire 6.6% of mothers in 2021/22 were recorded as smoking at time of delivery, which is significantly below the average for the South East (8.2%) and England (9.1%).

Smoking status at time of delivery

Percentage of mothers who are known to be smokers at the time of delivery

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