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Highest Level of Qualification Held

Table showing the proportion of working age (16-64) residents by the highest level qualification they have in Buckinghamshire, South East and England.

In England, qualification standards are measured by the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) for adults aged 16-64. This measure includes educational attainment, but is wider than education and also indicates the ability, knowledge and skills of a person to do a job.

  • RQF Level 1 is equivalent to GCSEs (grades 3-1: previously D-G)
  • RQF Level 2 is equivalent to (grades 9-4: previously A*-C)
  • RQF Level 3 is equivalent to A Levels (grade A-E) and/or AS Level
  • RQF Level 4+ is equivalent to Vocational Qualification Level 4, HNC, CertHE, degree or higher
It is important to note that each RQF has multiple criteria, for example, RQF level 4 could be obtained through a Bachelor’s degree or foundation degree.

Buckinghamshire’s working age population (16-64) has a higher than average qualification level compared to the South East and England.

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