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Member Spotlight – Karen Warner, Head of Bucks Data Exchange

Karen Warner in denim jacket and coral top, smiling at camera in her garden

Introducing Karen Warner

Head Of Bucks Data Exchange

Karen has recently been appointed as the Head of Bucks Data Exchange.(BDEx)


What made you apply for the post?


I have worked within the charity sector in Buckinghamshire for many years. My first experience was working as a volunteer with Aylesbury Homeless Action Group. (AHAG) At that time that charity was just setting up and was very small. However, it gave me a real insight to the need within our community and a respect for the difference that a small charity could make.

I was involved in a number of roles within AHAG before becoming its CEO. More recently I worked as a Director and then Trustee for Bucks Food Partnership.

I have therefore experienced first hand the challenges of running a charity. In particular, the stresses of managing grants and funding, setting vision and ensuring that the charity met its objectives. Running a charity can be both very rewarding, but at times a lonely and sometimes over-whelming responsibility as well.

It is this experience and my enthusiasm for the charity sector which attracted me to this post.


What is your vision for the Bucks Data Exchange?


The vision for the BDEx is to support VCSE organisations with their own data journey. We want to give them the best possible support by using a data led approach to make the biggest impact and better-informed decisions.

I am really looking forward to using some of my knowledge and experience to support VCSE organisations to grow and develop their services.


How can people get in touch with you?

Please email me on


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