Violent Crimes & Sexual Offences

Close up of a blue light siren

This chart shows the number of recorded violent crimes and sexual offences in Buckinghamshire. Violent crime and sexual offences is a broad crime type that includes ‘Violence Without Injury’ and ‘Violence With Injury’, as well as all categories of sexual offence.

Drug Crime

Drugs and drug paraphernalia such as syringe and foil

This chart shows the number of recorded drug crimes in Buckinghamshire. Drug crime is a crime type that includes possession of a controlled drug, possession with intent to supply, supply of a controlled drug and production of a controlled drug.


A row of modern houses taken from the back, looking across their back gardens

This chart shows the number of recorded burglary offences in Buckinghamshire. Burglary is the illegal entering of a building in order to commit a crime, usually theft.

Anti-Social Behaviour

Discarded litter in a green meadow

This chart shows the number of recorded anti-social behaviour incidents in Buckinghamshire. Anti-social behaviour includes a range of nuisance and criminal behaviours which cause distress to other individuals or communities, or impact the wider environment.