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This chart shows the number of recorded shoplifting offences in Buckinghamshire. Shoplifting is the action of stealing goods from a shop while pretending to be a customer.

This chart shows the number of recorded shoplifting offences in Buckinghamshire between 2021 and 2024. 


The benchmark shows the shoplifting crime rate for 2022/23. The rate is the number of incidents reported per 1,000 households, enabling a meaningful comparison of shoplifting rates in Buckinghamshire with other geographical areas.


These rates show that Buckinghamshire’s shoplifting rate was higher in 2023/24 compared to 2022/23, and that the shoplifting rate is significantly lower in Buckinghamshire compared to the South East and England in 2023/24.

Shoplifting crime rate calculated as 'number of Shoplifting offences per 1000 households'.


Monthly shoplifting offences in Buckinghamshire, 2021-24

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