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Local Insight

Supercharging your small charity with reliable and accurate data

We know that when you’re running a small charity, you have to master lots of skills.


Understanding and using data effectively is one of them, but when you’re short on time and resources its hard to know where to start.


That’s where Local Insight comes in. Free and easy to use, Local Insight lets you explore data about the area you work in and is packed with over 1,000 neighbourhood level indicators, that are reliable and up to date.


Data is available on themes such as crime, housing, employment, the economy, population and services.

BDE Local Insight page icon

Explore your area with Local Insight now

This link takes you to the Local Insight map and will open in a new tab. 

Does it have data on the places I'm working in?

Explore your area of interest at a granular level by using postcodes or selecting predefined custom areas such as parishes, wards or Community Boards.

So it's free to use?

Yes! Local Insight is available for free to charities in Buckinghamshire as a result of a pioneering partnership between Rothschild Foundation, Heart of Bucks, Buckinghamshire Council and Leap.

Each of the partners has invested in Local Insight to enable its use for the benefit of Buckinghamshire residents.


Use for funding applications and strategic planning

Increasingly funders want to know the data that helps to tell the story of your place, and in turn why your charity or project is needed.  Using a tool like Local Insight can help improve your success in funding applications. 


And, what’s more, it can help you plan more strategically so that you know you’re doing great things, where they are most needed. 

A bit stuck?

We’ll be developing user guides and sharing examples of how charities have used Local Insights over the coming months. 


However if you’ve had a look at Local Insight and are not sure how to use it at your charity, or are new to using data and just want to chat to a friendly face, then contact Karen