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Data Sources


This area provides a range of open source data platforms that data specialists across the partnership rely on. Each page describes the respective platform, its contents, and how to access and navigate it. If you need help, you can contact one of our data specialists through the contact us section.

Data Sources

three gas oven hobs which are on

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero publish national statistics on UK local authority and regional gas emissions. The greenhouse gases covered by these statistics are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. In accordance with international reporting and carbon trading protocols, each of these gases is weighted by its global warming potential (GWP), so that total greenhouse gas emissions can be reported on a consistent basis (in carbon dioxide equivalent units). The GWP for each gas is defined as its warming influence relative to that of carbon dioxide. The GWPs used in these statistics are from Working Group 1 of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2013.

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Screenshot of code and data

Broadband Speed

Broadband provides access to internet services such as videoconferencing for work, tele-healthcare, access to job or property advertisements, and e-commerce. It is fast becoming an essential utility alongside water, gas and electric in UK homes. From March 2018, the Government set a legal minimum service obligation (LSO) of 10 megabytes per second (Mbps). Ofcom research shows that 10 Mbps is the minimum speed currently needed to meet an average household’s digital needs. It should be fast enough for multiple people in a household to be online at once.

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Recycling bin


Recycling Rate data is the percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting. It is derived from WasteDataFlow (web-based-system for municipal waste reporting by UK local authorities to Government). The WasteDataFlow system went live on 30 April 2004.

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Graph showing the air quality of districts within Buckinghamshire

Air quality

Air quality can be assessed by the concentration of various pollutants in the air. The air quality indicator is compiled from four key air pollutants: Nitrogen dioxide, Benzene, Sulphur dioxide, and Particulates.

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Boundary map of Buckinghamshire

Map of Buckinghamshire

A boundary map is a map created for the purpose of outlining a boundary for an area and the areas next to it.

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