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Largest charities

Line graph with a pen, pencil and ruler next to it

This table provides information on the 20 largest registered charities operating in Buckinghamshire. It contains their latest reported annual income, a link to their website and the number of staff and volunteers they have.

Charity delivery approach

Person holding a briefcase

This data shows the different methods of operation that registered charities in Buckinghamshire undertake. Charities can use a range of methods to deliver support to their beneficiaries and this chart does not necessarily reflect all the different types of work that charities do.

Charity beneficiaries

Adult holding an umbrella over a child in a storm

This chart shows the groups of people that charities in Buckinghamshire seek to support. Charities can benefit many different groups of people and this chart does not necessarily reflect all the groups that charities work with.

Geographic Local Charity Focus

Chart showing which districts charities are located in Buckinghamshire

This chart shows where charities that benefit a specified local area in Buckinghamshire are based. Some registered charities, particularly smaller ones, have a local focus and specify the area that they seek to support, while other Buckinghamshire based charities operate nationally or internationally. Charities with a national and international focus are not included in this dataset.

Annual charity income

Annual distribution of income of Buckinghamshire and national charities

This chart shows how the annual income of charities is distributed according to a range of income bands, giving an indicator of the size of registered charities in Buckinghamshire. The chart also contains comparative data on the proportion of registered charities that fall into the same income bands across England and Wales.

Value of Bucks grants given

Value of grants given in Buckinghamshire

This chart contains the total value of grants awarded by some of the key funders in Buckinghamshire, to Buckinghamshire based organisations. It shows how much funding grant makers have given away in the past few years.

Size of Bucks grants given

Hands holding a string of lights

This data shows the size of grants given by some of the key funders in Buckinghamshire to Buckinghamshire based organisations. It gives an indication of how much funding these grant makers are giving out, and how big their awards are.

Number of Bucks grants given

Value of grants given in Buckinghamshire

This chart shows the total number of grants given by some of the key charitable funders in Buckinghamshire to Buckinghamshire based organisations. It gives an indication of how active these grant makers are and how many different projects they have supported over the past few years.